Civil engineering is one of the branches of the professional engineering system. Scope of engineering where design, construction techniques, real or natural management of the environment are discussed, including the construction of bridges, roads, ditches, dams, buildings etc. Importance of engineering is because that It is called the engineering science of design, construction and maintenance. Civil engineering is the oldest engineering system after the military engineering system.

Range of tactics

There are 3 main branches of civil engineering, which are briefly discussed below:

Structural engineering

– Designed properly in combination with cement, sand, re-enforcing, wood, other elements to protect against the effects of wind, water, earthquake, temperature, etc. with its own load or external load resistance on homes, hotels, parks, bridges, buildings, etc. The work of the branch.

Environmental Engineering

– The function of this branch is to prevent environment, namely air and water pollution, purification etc. At present, it is an important branch. This branch discusses the removal and purification of pure water supply, waste, feces, etc.

Geotechnical Engineering

– It works in almost all civil engineering disciplines. Because most of the structures are located on the ground. This branch discusses the impact of the structure and their properties on the soil or stone. Its civil engineering branch deals with earthquake seepage, earthquake impact, stability and so on. Parts of the barrier, retaining wall, foundation, etc. are designed partly through this branch.

Structural Engineer Discuss with Architecture

Water Resource Engineering

  • Water is very important in our lives. As we all know, it is also a very common saying. Again, this water also brings us death. We know that too. Water Resources Engineering discusses the physical condition of water. Discusses and designs floods, city-plant-irrigation water supply, river erosion prevention, river cultivation etc. This branch discusses hydraulic power, dams, canals, aqueducts etc.
    Transportation engineering
  • Depending on the particularity of a society or its communication system. The development of a society greatly affects this communication system. Transportation engineering works by researching, designing, problems, solutions for transporting people, goods, etc. This branch operates on less roads, greater transportation facilities, reduce accidents, reduce costs, etc.
    Construction engineering
  • This branch discusses how to construct a structure. The branch is working on the science of the use of money, time consolidation, the supply of necessary goods and equipment, the method of forming the structure.
    Urban and community planning
  • Urbanization and city planning is basically working on a group. This branch studies what a group or alliance might look like and how it should be planted.
Theory of Civil Engineering

Work of the engineers:

1. Civil engineers have to work at both the office and the field level.

2.Contractors and consulting engineers have to work in different locations at the same time.

3.They also have to deal with crisis situations like disaster mitigation and management.

Construction engineers design oil rigs, multi-purpose car parking systems or homes in such a way that the construction of the structure is designed to carry the load.

They invented new construction materials and techniques, such as special bridge structures and special types of building structures.

4.Water management engineers are particularly adept at water supply, sanitation and pollution control.

5.Highway engineers usually plan for rebuilding of roads, traffic lights, lanes, parking spaces, etc. Highway engineers are mainly involved in road construction and traffic management work.