Food, clothing, shelter, education and medicine are the basic necessities of life. Although housing is third in terms of basic needs, people cherish the dream of creating safe housing by utilizing their life savings for the rest of their lives. But before building this dream home, it is necessary to have some preconceived notions and preparations so that none of his hard-earned money-labor-time is wasted.

Before and after the construction of the dream house, I want to have some proper plan and its proper implementation. In this case, it is better not to make any hesitant decision. I would like to know in advance how to build my own precious house in a safe and planned way.

Home Preparations:

1. Psychological preparation

The first important step in building your dream home is to prepare yourself mentally. You need to decide at this stage how ready you are to build the house. Combining the right decision with your mental fortitude will take you to the next step.In many cases, it is seen that even after preparing to build a house, many people cannot move forward without any decision. As a result, building a dream house remains as an elusive desire.

2. Economic preparation

Financial preparation or budget is an important issue for building a house. Since construction work is costly, I would like to take an advance plan on whether you have such savings or ability to meet the construction cost or take a loan from a bank or build by a developer. Get an idea of ​​the cost of building your dream home from an experienced engineer to find out the initial cost of building the building according to your needs. As a result, you can easily decide how to build the house. Many people fail to coordinate the overall financing and construction costs and start the construction work but fail to complete the work of building the dream house. So take a clear idea about this.

3. Land selection

Land selection is considered as an important factor in house construction. Because, in order to start the construction work, you must need a piece of land without adulteration, whether by inheritance or purchase. If you have inherited land, it must be free from family troubles.

In case of buying land and constructing a house, it should be seen whether the land has been updated to the latest level of ownership, land tax and naming. In addition, selection of elevated land from the road, selection of square land, whether there is public / private road and drain related to the land, whether the land has been filled or whether there was a pond in the past, etc. should be purchased. In this case, it is better not to buy low land from ponds and roads in the past, it is better to avoid land hassle and cost.

4. Land Paper Update and Digital Survey of Purchased Land

In our country, land is surveyed by Amin or Surveyor at the time of sale and purchase of land so that even if a hand sketch is done, it becomes difficult to find and understand the exact size of the land. Therefore, do a digital survey of your land with the most common modern machines. This will clearly show which side of the land is slightly curved and how many degrees its angles are at an angle. Also complete the latest update work on the purchased land papers. As a result, there will be no extra hassle in building the dream house.

5. Construction plan

After selecting the land for building the house, first decide what your dream house will look like. Will it be for the sole purpose of keeping oneself and one’s family or will it be built in terms of rent for financial reasons? Whether you want to build a bungalow, duplex or triplex house for your own living! And in the case of owning and renting, decide whether the house will be two-storey, five-storey or ten-storey. Plan the construction work according to your needs and budget with an experienced engineer. This will allow you to make the right decision in less time.

6. Soil test

After selecting the land for the construction of the house, final plan and decision, complete the soil soil test with the opinion of an engineer. This is extremely important in building your dream home. Soil test refers to the process of determining the bearing capacity of a soil. This means that the foundation of your home will depend on this soil test. Although many homeowners are reluctant to test soil, soil testing is a must in order to build a safe and strong foundation for their dream home.

7. Home planning and design

Discuss in detail with an experienced architect and engineer what kind of house you want to build on your purchased land. An experienced engineer will tell you a lot about how much space you need to leave around to build a house in the light of the land according to his engineering knowledge and building code (as setback and fur) including road-drain. Moreover, in the light of the land, you will give an idea of ​​how many floors your building will have, how many units it will have, and how much they will be in square feet.

Now discuss which unit on the floor of the house you want to use for yourself and how many master bedrooms will be in the unit, whether there will be drawing and dining separate or attached, how many bathrooms-toilets and how many balconies there will be. Make a final decision based on your opinion on whether there is a need to have parking-basement, elevator and generator facilities along with the floor plan of the rest of the units in the building.

After making the final decision, ask the architect and engineer for a copy of the architectural design and floor plan according to your needs, elevation and 3D animation of what the house should look like, and the foundation design of the house, column-beam and roof rod layout. Accept books to make your dream home much easier Go on. But of course in this case, give the due respect to the architects and engineers.

Finalize the architectural, structural drawing as well as plumbing and electrical drawing and design of the house before construction.

8. Detailed Estimation or Bill of Quantity (BOQ)

At the end of all types of drawings and designs, prepare a detailed estimate or bill of quantity for the construction of the building proposed by the engineer. This is a written estimate of exactly how much it would cost to build the house. This gives a good idea about the overall construction cost of the house.

9. Plan pass

After the final plan and design of the house is given by an architect and engineer, the rules for submitting the required documents for passing the plan from the authority of the area where you are constructing your house from RAJUK for Dhaka, RDA for Rajshahi, KDA for Khulna, Sisik Engineering Branch for Sylhet etc. Knowingly have to submit with a certain fee.

Note, however, that the architect and engineer providing the plan and design must be enlisted by that authority. Otherwise the design provided by him will not be approved by the said authority.

10. The concept of building materials

At this stage, get the opinion of an experienced engineer about the construction materials. Have a clear idea of ​​what type of building materials such as rods, cement, sand and bricks should be used to build your dream building on a strong and sturdy foundation. Find out where quality building materials are available at affordable prices around your land. In our country, the price of construction materials fluctuates depending on the season, in which case you can buy materials that are not easily damaged (such as bricks or sand) according to the season. This will save you some money.


11. Contractor recruitment

When hiring a contractor, an experienced contractor must be selected who has good construction work experience and skilled labor. Most of the contractors in our country are ignorant or illiterate. Having an experienced and educated contractor makes building a house easier and better. In this case the contractor must have a good idea about the design provided by the engineer.

12. Create contracts and work schedules

At the end of hiring the contractor, you must complete the work contract with the contractor by fixing the rate of work. In this case you can accept the help of the engineer. He will provide knowledge about the draft of work and preparation of work schedule according to the step of work considering the square fit and rate. It maintains both trust and a desire to work between the owner and the contractor. 

Also make a work schedule so that each step of the construction work is completed at the specified time and it is important to list the contractor’s work bill accordingly.

13. Supervision Engineer

Most of the time in our country, experienced supervisory engineers are not hired for house construction. It is totally inappropriate to carry out construction work only with a mechanic. Because home construction is a complex process, an experienced supervision engineer will be able to advise you on how to properly conduct construction work. The quality of work is good.

14. Preparation of land for construction

The land must be cleared before construction can begin so that there are no unnecessary trees or debris. It is convenient to work. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the workers by constructing sheds for storage of construction materials and storage of construction materials, water and electricity connections.

15. Lay out check given

It is best to start the construction work with a layout check in the presence of an experienced engineer at the construction site at the final end of the architectural and structural drawing. In many cases the layout is not checked in the construction work in our country. This disrupted the combination of design and construction work. As a result, there are many types of errors in the construction work. The lay-out check also gives landowners an accurate idea of ​​the proposed building and benefits the contractor and his mechanics.

16. Start and supervise construction work

After all the above preparations, the owner will start the construction work of his dream house. Since the construction work is complex and time consuming, the work needs extensive supervision.

Finally, as an engineer, I would like to say that the building of your dreams must be built by an experienced architect and engineer in a strong, safe and earthquake-resistant way, so that your hard-earned money and hard-earned house become a dream paradise.