‘Piling’ is a type of foundation of a building that provides a solid foundation for the deployment by shifting the load under the soil. It is usually done in areas where the soil has little bearing capacity but the installation is multi-based. This can be compared to the deployment column that is placed deep in the soil.

There are a few types of pilings. For example:

* Cast-in-situ pile

* Sand pile

* Pre-cast pile

* Shore Pile

* Timber Pile

Pile schedule
Pile schedule

Cast in situ pile

Of these, cast-in-situ piles are the most common. It is usually cylindrical in diameter with diameters ranging from 18 inch to 30 inches. However, in the field it may be more. And the length depends on the soil layer found in the Soil Test report. The pilings have been used on the basis of most of the infrastructure in Bangladesh.

Sand Pile

Although the concept of the Sand Pile is relatively new, it is quite effective in the field. Generally, low-floor installations can be increased by sand pile where soil bearing capacity is low. However, it cannot be used in many storeyed buildings.

Pre-cast pile

In the case of a pre-cast pile, the entire pile is cast before casting or welding in a convenient location (not inside the soil). Then, with the help of a brick machine or hammering, the ground is inserted into the site.

Shore pile

Shore is piled up to prevent side pressure of the soil. This arrangement is done in all the establishments that have a basement or for any other reason, so that the soil on the side is not damaged. This can be compared to the share wall. It can be pre-cast or cast in situ or timber pile.

Timber Pile

Timber pile is a pile (usually shawl tree) used as a pile. It is used in a low-rise building.

cost estimation
cost estimation

# Estimate for Cast-

In-Situ Pile (1: 1.5: 3).

The diameter of the pilot is 18 “,

Depth 60′-0 “.

A total of 8 16mm diameter rods were used in the pilot from top to bottom.

The cut off level is also 2′-0 “wide.

The spiral is done with a 10mm rod.

Spiral spacing 4 “C / C on the first L / 4 and the last L / 4. The rest must hold 6” C / C.

Covering should take the ideal amount.

# Estimate-

Estimate for 18″Dia Boring.


= 1×62′-0″ = 62.00 Rft.

Estimate for RCC (1:1.5:3).


= 1x{(πx1′-6″x1′-6″)/4}x62′-0″ = 109.56 Cft.

Estimate for Reinforcement.


For 16mm Dia Main Rod.

= 8×62′-0″ = 496.00 Rft. = 238.57 Kg.

Lap = 8×2′-0″ = 16.00 Rft. = 7.69 Kg.

For 10mm Dia Spiral.

= Nπ{(D+d)+8d}

= 152π{(1′-0″+0.032)+(8×0.032)}

= 152π(1.032+0.256) = 615.04 Rft. = 115.01 Kg.

Lap = 15×1′-0″ = 15.00 Rft = 2.80 Kg.

# Total Rod = 364.00 Kg. = 3.64 qntl.

Details about # pile caps

1. Pile caps are an integral part of the building.

2. Pile caps transfer all loads of the building to the pile.

3. A pile cap that is equal to the length width is greater than the square pile cap length width, which is called a rectangular pile cap.

4. The thickness of the pile cap depends on the bearing capacity of the soil and the load of the building.

5. The rod of the pile cap is usually single lattice, but in many cases double lattice.

6. The rod of the pile cap takes L or Matam.